Polite Walking on Leash

3 one-hour class sessions PREREQUISITE: Family Dog Manners 1 Go to list of all courses to learn more about prerequisite class(es)

No one likes being dragged around the neighborhood by their dog…or suddenly pitched off the sidewalk when a squirrel catches their dog’s eye.  But loose leash walking is one of the harder behaviors dogs have to learn to fit into the human world and thus get privileges like taking long walks.  For some dogs, it takes significant practice.   Polite Walking on Leash will give your dog ample practice walking past and toward other dogs and humans, and plenty of helpful skill-building for the human half of the team. 

Special Notes: Dogs must be friendly or neutral to humans and to other dogs.  If your dog is slightly reactive to other dogs, we can make adjustments to include him/her.  Your dog should make significant progress in walking calmly in 3 weeks of these focused classes.  We will be walking toward other dogs and humans.  Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.  The human side of the team needs to continue to practice these skills in different places in order to create a reliable doggy walking partner.  Dogs should have completed Family Dog Manners I.

This class is best suited for:  Dogs and humans who already have built a good relationship and who finished Family Dog Manners 1 but are still working on their dog not pulling while on leash.  Dogs need to be friendly to humans, not negatively reactive to humans.

Min/Max Enrollment:  4/8

Bring the Following to Class

-Flat buckle collar or harness or head halter if needed
-sturdy, strong 6 foot leashes appropriate to size and vigor of dog
-water and water dish (please water your dog off the blue mats)
-”regular” doggy treats (tiny pieces) and lots of them…and…
-extra special treats….like MEAT and tiny pieces of CHEESE
-treat bag or an old sweatshirt or jacket with big front pockets for your treats
(you want fast, easy access to plenty of tiny treats)
-your clicker (you will receive one in PREP class)

You will learn:
-how to handle a leash and treats for walking
-to choose and use a “walking apparatus” (like harness) that works for your dog
-how to be absolutely clear with your walking cues: the start, the walk, the stop, the turn
-to use reinforcement on varied schedules
-to recognize signs of overexcitability and adjust the walk
-how/when/where to practice
-what reinforces your dog when walking – and how to use that to your advantage

Your Dog will learn:
-to walk on the side you choose
-to walk in the area of your body you choose as the “target” area
-that walking close is more FUN and Rewarding than pulling
-to differentiate a sniff walk versus an exercise walk
-pulling gets him/her nowhere – but close walking gets him/her everywhere