TCCA’s Response to COVID-19


Masks are now optional for FULLY VACCINATED individuals.

UPDATE POSTED 06-27-2021

Hi, TCCA Friends,

Our initial covid policy is no longer in effect. HURRAY!!! Let’s hope it doesn’t need to return. But thank you to everyone who was so gracious and followed all the “rules” when we reopened.

Our current policy is following state and CDC guidelines: vaccinated individuals can choose to wear or not wear a mask while inside our training center buildings. Unvaccinated individuals are asked to please wear a mask to protect YOU and others. Just a reminder that there are MANY reasons why some people may not be vaccinated including having medical conditions that preclude vaccination. Let’s not make any assumptions and let’s embrace everyone who comes to TCCA (ok, from a safe distance).

It is always appreciated to have the privilege of being around people of many different backgrounds who have a common goal: a well-trained, loving, responsive dog taught through well-researched, kind training methods.

Keep remembering to use your hand sanitizer, please! And socially distance. Let’s all stay well!!

My best wishes for your health and happiness (having a dog helps both!)

Hugs to the pups!


Owner, for all the faculty at TCCA

 UPDATE POSTED 6-18-2020

COVID-19 Policies for Participation in Classes at TCCA

These policies have one goal: to set up classes which are as safe as possible for our staff and for our clients.

We want TCCA to be open!  We enjoy helping people learn to train their dogs and we love practicing/learning dog sports together.  However, we simply cannot stay open without the 100% cooperation of our clients.  If you do not want to follow these simple policies while on TCCA property, please do not register for our classes.  We want to err on the side of being too careful.  This way we protect everyone.

You will be asked to agree to the following statements when registering for classes:

1:   I understand the inherent risk of viral exposure exists anywhere people gather and I voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to Covid-19, knowing this disease is contagious and can sometimes lead to severe illness or even death. 


2.  I have carefully read the Covid-19 Policies for Participation (see ten items below) and agree to cooperate with TCCA’s class policies which are informed by CDC recommendations regarding masks, social distancing, and hand sanitizing.

COVID-19 Policies for Participation in Classes at TCCA

1.  A mask/face covering must be worn on TCCA property once you are out of your vehicle.  Keep a spare in your car, please.  When you are walking your dog around the grounds before class you still need to have your mask on.

2.  Maintain a social distance of 10 feet.  People have a tendency to move in when talking to each other and we have found if you start with 6 feet, you end up with 4 and no one even notices.  Please maintain true social distance and remind each other to do so if someone starts getting closer and closer. 

3. We will have hand sanitizer available.  Use it as soon as you enter.  Use it before and after you touch equipment.  Use it on your way out.  There will be other guidelines posted in the building, especially for agility. 

4. Class size will be limited.  Please keep 1 dog to 1 student, only.  We have always welcomed guests and family members but while Covid-19 is still being sorted out, we just can’t have an unpredictable number of people in our buildings.  We cannot have extra people attend class with you.  If you are driving a minor to attend class, we may make an exception based on the enrollment.  Contact us.  If class is full we will ask you to remain with your car. 

5.  Please do not come to class if you are feeling ill, have an unusual cough, fever, chills, etc.  This is simply good practice to keep any disease from spreading and is especially important now.  If you feel fine but seem to have lost your sense of taste or smell, stay home.  These are symptoms.

6.  If you find you have been exposed to Covid-19, you need to stay home from classes for a 14 day period after your known exposure contact.

7.  Give everyone plenty of space going into and coming out of the buildings.  You will enter by the “regular” northern door (with the sidewalk) for all classes, but you will exit through the far door on the east side of The Gym.  Entrance and Exit will be clearly marked for you. 

8.  All classes will be held in The Gym, the largest building TCCA uses.  This way we can spread safely out.  Please stay in the area you are assigned while learning and practicing.

9.  Please do not leave anything in The Gym.  Gather all your belongings and take them with you.

10.  When enrolling in classes, be sure to read the course description so you can see if there are any Course Specific needs – things you need to bring with you, etc.

Thank you for joining us in having FUN with our dogs together, while we still try hard to protect others around us. 

Patricia Linehan, owner, and the TCCA Faculty



Finally…it’s happening!  True Connections Canine Academy will be opening its doors to classes again starting in EARLY JULY.  We hope you will sign up for classes!  Funny how this strange pandemic episode has brought the deep value of human to human and human to dog contact into even sharper focus.  We have sorely missed our clients and their dogs.  This video (link below) will show you what we've been doing during the pandemic:

TCCA YouTube Channel - Dog Trainers Endure Even During Pandemics 

Of course, things will be operating just a little differently, so here is a short version of main points:

o   OPENING CLASSES:  The schedule is being put together now.  There will be a variety of classes to register for with ample PREP classes available right away.  We will also be starting up some brand new classes!

o   SAFETY:  To keep everyone as safe as possible we will require masks be worn while you are on the TCCA property.  Liberal amounts of hand sanitizer will be available, and classes will be physically set up to assure substantial social distance at all times between teams.  Our goal is to create as safe an environment as we can for everyone and still have a blast training our dogs.   Our COVID—19 guidelines and policies will be included soon on our website. Please read them, it is very important to us. 

o   MASKS AND DOGS:  Please wear a mask occasionally around your dog to get them used to seeing masks on people.  Most dogs don’t care, but a few may be worried initially.

o   CLASS SIZE:  We have always maintained small classes – but guess what – they are going to be even smaller for a while.  We will have a maximum of 6 students or less per class.  Though we are cutting our class size almost in half for some classes, we are not raising our fees.  We will try out these small classes for a few months while the pandemic is still a concern.

o   CLASS LOCATION AND SCHEDULING:  To begin with, all classes will be held in the largest TCCA building: The Gym.  This means we can spread way out to practice, but it does complicate scheduling quite a bit, so the schedule is not up yet.  It will be finalized and available online shortly.  You will have plenty of time to get registered before the start of classes in early July. WE WILL BE SENDING AN EMAIL OUT TO EVERYONE ON THE “GET NOTIFIED” LIST WHEN THE CLASS SCHEDULE IS POSTED AND REGISTRATION IS OPEN.

Your TCCA instructors are SUPER EXCITED to be starting up again!  Come join us!!

Our best wishes,

Patricia Linehan and all the TCCA Team

POSTED 4-20-2020

We are STILL closely monitoring the state closures, other dog training centers, the CDC, virus spread in our surrounding area in rural MN, and emerging research on covid-19, etc.

 ·       It was a very difficult decision at the outset, to cancel our classes as the virus just began to spread.  Now, of course, with states instituting stay-at-home guidelines, we need to comply.  We feel a bit lost without our guests and their dogs – but TCCA will continue to be closed until it is safer to gather than it is now. 

·       The MN stay-at-home order currently runs through May 4 and there is a strong chance it will be extended.  Modeling data shows the peak case count is still a way off in MN. 

·       If you signed up for a class that was supposed to run after April 24, a full refund will be processed.  Be sure to check your email later in the coming week for notification your payment was refunded.  We hope you will register for a new class section once we get a schedule up and running and open for registration.

·       Because we cannot predict when we will be allowed to open and/or when it will be safe to do so, we aren’t going to open any classes for registration now.  We will email everyone when we set a schedule and can stick to it.  This date is out of our control at the moment.

·       When we do get together again, you may find that we require masks and social distancing to best care for each and every one of you, and any elders you may have contact with.  Let us all think carefully about how many people we come into contact with, and how precious each life is. 

 YES – this is STILL very difficult.  We miss our little corner of the world where new skills are learned, clients become friends, and dogs pull with excitement to get into the Gym where they always have FUN.  

 We miss you all.  Every dog, every client who came to TCCA was a chance to know someone unique.  I want to assure everyone we will be back.  TCCA is on solid footing and isn’t going anywhere.  We have a mission and we intend to fulfill it.  In fact, you will find the Gym all painted and new and spiffy.  And the Hub with improved flooring – and the barn clear and ready for barn hunts.  One of the side-effects of quarantine: time!  We are putting it to good use. 



Owner, TCCA


P.S. (And, if you have had a good experience with us in the past, please like us on Facebook and give us a review in Google Business to help us start back up again quickly when the time comes.  That would be much appreciated!)